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MeezyXo is 21 years old from Cookeville, TN. His biggest accomplishment is being his own biggest supporter and striving to be the best version of himself. Also, MeezyXo has never given up on himself, and he can only thank God for the position that he is in.

MeezyXo sees himself making a big impact on his family, friends, and supporters by encouraging them to follow their dreams and never give up, as well as on the music industry with his unique melodic flows. MeezyXos biggest inspirations are the loved ones who support him. He grew up in a single-parent household with a hard-working mom who always supported him and their his, which led him to mature at a young age.

MeezyXo felt like an introvert growing up but found music to be an outlet to express emotions and feelings that he wouldn't normally show, which helped him get through tough times.