
In the heart of Detroit, Michigan, amidst the rhythm of the city streets, emerges a distinctive artist whose story reverberates through the very beats of his music. Meet Esei, pronounced “e-say,” a passionate musician whose journey from the East Side has woven itself intricately into the fabric of his artistry.

Esei’s musical odyssey finds its roots in the challenges of his upbringing. Raised in the throes of extreme poverty, where conventional forms of entertainment were scarce, he sought solace in crafting poems during fleeting moments of respite. These humble beginnings gradually blossomed into a profound musical expression that would come to define Esei’s unique voice.

The influence of Esei’s father, a former rapper known as Vinnie Stacks, and Yayo Cardone proved instrumental in shaping his musical destiny. At the tender age of six, Esei took his first steps into a recording studio, an experience that left an indelible mark on his impressionable young mind. Under the mentorship of his father, Esei embarked on a journey into the realms of rhythm and rhyme, laying the groundwork for the artist he would one day become.

Esei’s journey is marked by numerous achievements that stand as a testament to his unwavering dedication and undeniable talent. From the enchanting ambiance of backwoods and bonfires to sharing the spotlight with esteemed artists like Kid Trunks in the vibrant city of Miami, Florida, Esei has made his mark on diverse musical landscapes.

A pivotal moment in Esei’s career came with the headlining of his own show, a resounding success that culminated in a sold-out event. This remarkable feat speaks volumes about the burgeoning fan base and magnetic stage presence that Esei possesses. Furthermore, his prowess extends to the art of freestyling, with an extensive catalog boasting over 600 songs that showcase his lyrical dexterity and boundless creativity.

In the digital realm, Esei has left an indelible impression, garnering over 200k streams on Spotify alone. His music, a fusion of raw authenticity and lyrical finesse, resonates deeply with audiences, transcending geographical boundaries and forging connections across cultures.

As Esei continues to carve his path in the music industry, his journey serves as a beacon of inspiration to aspiring artists worldwide. From the hardscrabble streets of Detroit to stages that span the nation, Esei’s narrative unfolds with each verse, inviting audiences into the captivating world of a rising artist whose story is as compelling as his music.


Slick Guruzee

